Monday, October 29, 2007

God moves in the little things

Like I have stated before, this will not become a diary for me. However, if God moves, I feel compelled to bring it up.

I recently started working at a new job. This job was an answer to prayer in ways that are too numerous to list. But, there are two examples of God at work in this.

(1) Back in August, I sent a request out to a number of men in the church for prayer and advice on a few points, one of them being our budget. We were about $650 short every month. This new job, with the Lord at work, is exactly that amount more per month.

(2) When I was offered the job, the new company's needs were immediate. They would have been perfectly happy with me going into the current emplyer and quitting on the spot. Understandably so. I have taken over the finances for them and they are in need of help. However, I felt very strongly that I was to at least make myself available for a two-week notice at the current job. Even after getting advice to ignore that feeling and just quit, I had to follow my convictions and what I felt the Lord was prompting me to do. I felt that I represented more than myself. I felt that since my co-workers at the old job knew I was a Christian, this would represent Christ.

I stuck to my conviction and decided to press on with the offer to work a notice. IN the end, God honored this and I left the old company with good relationships and started the new job on the right foot. This is in no way to be misunderstood as me giving myself a spiritual pat on the back. I was shaken to my core over this issue and did not know how this would play out. But, a conviction is a conviction. We have to stand by them.

My son saw this. He recognized the struggle that mom and dad were going through and even offered a prayer that was spot on, with no prompting from us. I am as happy about that than anything. The Lord allowed me to model Himself to my son. There are few things that can bring this sort of joy to a man.


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Friday, October 12, 2007

How great is our God!

This is from Brent Roberts:


Kerri and I were given the opportunity to share our ministry at Blue Cross Blue Shield's Christian Luncheon Club (CLC) Wednesday afternoon. This is a fairly large group of believers who get together on a monthly basis to share testimonies and have fellowship. After we showed our video and shared about God's calling for us to go to Zambia, Steve VonFange, who is one of the members of the leadership team, came up and sort-of cut me off. He said, "Brent has no idea what I'm about to do, but I need to say some things to you." Then he asked me to take a seat. He began to confess that he had not wanted us to come share that day because it was the last CLC of the year and the subject matter was just heavy. Then he told how he had been able to spend 2 hours alone with God this past weekend and how he was completely convicted about his attitude. He looked at me and Kerri, while chocking back tears, and said he was sorry. Then Steve said that as God taught him during that time, he was led to Hebrews 11. He shared how in reading about these men of faith his natural tendency was to look at their failures. But he was overwhelmed at how God looked at their faith and saw them in a completely different light - He saw them as righteous! Then he said he was led to Acts 2 where the scripture talks about all the believers being together in one mind...selling their possessions and giving to anyone who had need. Steve then began to challenge the group. He said, "Brent and Kerri have stepped out in faith to obey God's calling to move their family to Africa and we need to follow them." He said, "I believe that God is calling the CLC to fully fund Brent and Kerri Roberts today!" (At this point we both just started crying!) It was obvious that Steve was in the Spirit because he was speaking with great zeal and our spirits were leaping as he challenged the group to do whatever they had to do - maybe even sell some stuff -to give the money that we need to go to Zambia. And he said something else that was very specific, he said that they needed to make it happen BY FRIDAY!

After his talk, Steve had us come up and asked those who would support us to gather around and pray for us, which they did. It was awesome and we were completely overwhelmed! As Kerri was talking to some of them afterward, she told them that the night before we had asked our community group to pray for this meeting. Shawn Hevel, one of our communty group members, prayed, "God we ask you to fully fund the Roberts, and we ask you to do it tomorrow." What Kerri has also been praying over the last few months is that if God's timing is for us to go in February, then He would have us fully funded by November - giving us time to adequately plan to leave the country. Maybe, just maybe, God is at work in all of this : )

Thursday morning when I got into work, there was a voice message on my phone that had been sent out to everyone who had attended the CLC meeting as well as everyone else who had been involved over the past year. Steve said again that he felt the Lord was telling him that the Roberts needed to be fully funded by this Friday by members of the CLC. We are completely blown away!! We don't know exactly what God will do, but enough has happened over the past few days & weeks that we are very excited! (We will not receive a financial update from ACTION until November 1) Please pray that those who were moved by God on Wednesday will be obedient to act, and pray with us that we will indeed be fully funded!

God has convicted us and challenged our lack of faith! He has reminded us that this venture is not of us, but of Him. He has reminded us that He is a great God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above anything that we can ask, think or even imagine! We are so thankful for your prayers, so thankful for Steve's obedience to get up and share what God had done in him, and SO thankful for God's sovereign hand on our lives!


Friday, September 14, 2007

Facing the Giants

I remember a movie with that title from many years past. I can't remember what it was about but I realize that the title parallels the lives of many people in the summer of 2007.

Two of my good friends were diagnosed with cancer and have spent these summer months fighting the good fight. They has been through difficult times, through radiation and chemo, but have kept the faith.

My daughter has been suffering with severe back pain for 9 months. With 3 small children she cannot rest her back and therefore suffers each day. She continues to be a good mom and wife to her family. Her outlook is positive. She inspires me.

On June 3rd, the day of the celebration of my in-laws 60th anniversary, my father-in-law fell and broke his arm. A few weeks later my mother-in-law had to have surgery. The surgery was successful but her recovery has been slowed by several unexpected events.
Today, Becky is sick in bed with her with a virus. It has lasted for over 3 weeks. She has been very ill. We are going back to the doctor this afternoon. My 4 year old grandaughter had this same virus for 19 days and lost 5 of her total 29 pound weight.
Why do I write about these situations? First of all I would like for you to remember these loved ones in prayer. But there is also another observation that
I would like to share. In each particular illness/injury I've seen no one questioning God. No one has said "Why me?"

I've heard no one whining, seen no shaking of the fist. No one has lost their faith.
Indeed, what I have observed is increased faith, deeper understanding of the Father, and a desire to share the Gospel. For instance, when my mother-in-law was in the hospital, everyone who came into her room heard the name of Jesus. Her Bible was constantly on her bed as open testimony to her faith. My friends with cancer continue to send messages of trust in God and love of Jesus. They know their strength comes from the Father.

When I first began my career, one of my older business mentors shared his philosophy: "Life is hard and then you die." I know that's a brutal outlook on life but there is some truth in it. As Christians we are guaranteed trials and hardships. However we face these trials, these "temporary afflictions," whether they be health, financial, family, children, career, etc., our focus should remain on Jesus.

Each hardship we face during our time on this earth provides an opportunity for
Christian growth, for strengthened character, for increased faith, for sharing of the Gospel, for enjoying a closer walk with Jesus. Indeed, faith in our loving God and trust in His Son is, I believe, our only hope for the "long hot summers" of life.

"Suddenly a terrible storm came up, with waves higher than the boat.....The
Disciples shouted, 'Lord, save us.' Then He stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and the storm subsided and all was calm." Matt. 8:26


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Thursday, September 13, 2007

World Relief

From Christy Mobley - Atlanta

I received an e-mail just a few days ago from a church friend passing along the needs of an organization called World Relief, a Christian group that helps bring in refugees from around the world and settle them here in the US. It just so happens that they will be bringing in around 40 families during the month of September, many of which have small children or pregnant women. Can you imagine fleeing your country, often after terrible persecution, while pregnant or with little ones in your arms?! And I get stressed if my baby goes down late for his nap ....

I've often been overwhelmed with the Bible's repeated commands to take care of the oppressed, the widow, the fatherless and the foreigner - how in the world do we do this?! - and it struck me that, yeah, World Relief pretty much covers all that. I was so proud (hopefully in the good way) that my congregation joins with many others that seek and proclaim the Lord Jesus, working to fulfill such a daunting charge. Isn't this what it's all about?

Matthew 25:37-40

"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

An example to get this started

Ok, here is a sample story that I think this blog is about.

Recently, I emailed about 6 or 8 men from church with two concerns; one related to work and one related to finances.

I was seeking their counsel and prayer.

The responses that I have recevied make me very humble. Instead of getting back "canned" responses like "we will pray for you, brother", most sent back long, thought out responses with actionable items and encouragement. This is what the Body of Christ should be and how men should interact with each other.


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Saturday, August 25, 2007


It is my desire that this blog becomes a place for people to share the power of God in their lives. This can be the simple act of a person doing one kind deed all the way to healing from a terminal illness to a great story about the unity of the Body of Chirst.

Simply email me and I can figure out the best way to get your story posted.
